lundi 26 mai 2014

HSF4 mugen edition

November 20 2022 : Version 3 is available.



For Windows and Linux (Wine)
For my first mugen game, I decided to made a remake of SUPER Street Fighter IV Mugen Edition made by Ristar87
The game is in 2D style, because that is what made the Street Fighter series famous, so that is why I have not done it in 3D. (except few characters) So no need to ask that question.

More than a version with more content, I do all my best for fix the maximum of bugs and little defaults

-86 Characters (secret ones inclued)
-100 Stages (original stages from SF games and new stages from various origins)
-The game includes 3 vs 3 and 4 vs 4 fight mode patched versions. (stay experimental, but can be interesting)
-Online versus mode (by Ikemen)

Title screen

Character select

Ryu, Ken, Kega, Chun-li, Sakura, Guile, E.Honda, Dhalsim, Zangief, Blanka, Sawada (street fighter the movie), T.Hawk, Dee Jay, FeiLong, Cammy, Charlie Nash, Dan, Go Hibiki, Adon, Elena, Makoto, Ibuki, C.Viper, Remy, Rose, Sean, Oro, Haggar (Final Fight), Maki (Final Fight), Guy, Cody, Rolento, Poison, Hugo, Sodom, Yun, Yang, Gen, Gouken, Decapre, Juri, Balrog, Vega, Sagat, M.Bison, Akuma, Kairi (SF EX series), Urien, Jin (Tekken), Kazuya (Tekken), Geki, Blair Dame (SF EX series), Birdie, Rainbow Mika, Ingrid, Karin, Skullomania (SF EX series), Dudley, Eagle, Rufus, Alex, Twelve, Necro, Q, Garuda (SF EX series), Akugal, Retsu, Lee, Joe, Mike, Fevrier, Juli, Juni, Noembelu, Cyber Akuma, Zero-Akuma (Cyberbots), ShadowGeist (SF EX series), Gill, Seth, Evil Ryu, Oni, Omni (Original SF4 Edit), Shin Bison, Goutetsu, Asura ,Bad Megaman

(Sorry, but Hakan and El Fuerte don't have been made for mugen, so they are not in the game. Abel have been made but too heavy.)


How to select hidden chatacters ?
From the select screen :
Kega > Put the cursor on Ken and press "Up"
Go Hibiki > Put the cursor on Dan and press "Left"
Akugal > Put the cursor on Garuda and press "Right"
Shin Bison, Goutetsu, Asura and Bad Megaman > Put the cursor on Random "?" and press "Down"

 How to play with a joypad on the online version (ikemen)
Unlike the main application, the Ikemen application wich launch the online mode does not recognize the gampad.
That's why you have to use the software Joytokey 
Link for Joytokey
This software allow you to use a gamepad like  the Xbox 360 gamepad, You just have to assign a keyboard imput to a controller imput. However it seems to be impossible to assign RT and LT triggers on a x box 360 controller.
Using Joypad is quite simple, since you just had to push on a controller's button, and you will see a yellow line on your screen, click on this line and assign a keyboard input.

Defaut controls with AZERTY keyboard

Up Down Left Right = arrows
Light kick = w
Medium kick = x
Heavy kick = c
Light punch = q
Medium punch = s
Heavy punch = d
Start/Taunt = Enter

Fullscreen Atl+Enter



